Believe it or not, better drivers do pay less the less for car insurance than those with a blemished record. And in Texas, you can bet if you keep a clean driving record, you can find a great deal that will do more to keep your wallet safe than Besides ages, your driving record is the single most important factor in determining premium rates. Why? Well, from the perspective of the insurance company, if you have a history of blemishes, then you’re more likely to need benefits and they are more likely to have to pay. It’s simple math and for many insurance companies, that’s exactly what it boils down to and not much more.
Speeding Tickets
Most of us speed every now and then and 5 or even 10 miles over the limit is usually not a problem. However, for some of us, excessive speeding has created a driving record tarnished with multiple offenses. You may not think it’s a big deal, after all, you paid each and every one of your tickets on time and that’s the end of it right? Wrong. The truth is, multiple speeding tickets can significantly impact the amount you will have to pay for car insurance in Texas.
Again, one ticket probably won’t matter much in the big picture, but when an insurance company sees multiple tickets on a driving record, it signals a potential red flag, highlighting a bad habit. The bottom line? Multiple speeding tickets and excessive speeding rates is the best evidence an insurance company has that you’re likely to have an accident. And they immediately classify you as high risk.
Accidents are called accidents because they are not planned. Even the insurance company understands that from time to time, an accident will occur. The good news is, most major carriers don’t penalize your rates too much for an accident. In fact, some companies even propose an “accident forgiveness” program, giving you flexibility if you are involved in an altercation. Nevertheless, even small “fender benders” raise questions with your insurance company and may impact your rates.
What You Can Do
Luckily, it’s not too late to make some changes and clean up your driving record. While you can’t change the past, you can take positive steps now and in the future to protect your record and help secure a better car insurance premium going forward. Keep your speed down and pay attention to the rules of the road. When you’re in a school zone, obey the limits and always make certain to follow posted signs and speed limits when traveling in an unfamiliar area.
Try to avoid having an accident, but if you are involved in an altercation, make every effort to pay for damages out-of-pocket rather than filing a claim with your insurance company. Paying for minor damages on your own will reduce the amount of claims you file and could end up saving you money from premium increases. Finally, check you driving record often and make certain the information is accurate and up to date. You can contact the Texas Department of Public Safety and request a certified copy of your record.
Securing quality, affordable car insurance in Texas has a lot to do with keeping a clean driving record free of accidents, tickets and other blemishes. And whether we like it or not, better drivers pay less for the same car insurance. Keep your record clean by driving safely, obeying traffic and speeding laws and check your record frequently to ensure its up to date and accurate.