No one likes to think about the reality of a car being stolen. After all, for many of us, our vehicle is a critical part of our life- and how we get to and from work, school or wherever we go every day. When something happens to it, we feel it, and it’s no fun. And while cars and trucks will continue to be stolen, there are steps you can take to make it less likely that it will happen to you. From warning and immobilizing devices to the right car insurance, Austin vehicle thefts can be reduced.
Top 10 Vehicles Stolen
While lots of makes and models are stolen, in Austin, you’re more likely to have your vehicle stolen if you drive a truck. And that’s because out of the top ten vehicles stolen, trucks account for the top three. The number one truck stolen in Austin, Texas is the 2006 Ford Pickup, followed closely by the 2000 Chevrolet pickup and the 2004 Dodge Pickup. Rounding out the top ten are Hondas, with the 2000 Civic and 1996 Accord, followed by Chevy Tahoe, Toyota Camry, Chevy Impala and Ford Explorer and Taurus.
Warning and Immobilizing Devices
These days, thieves are pretty smart. But that’s not to say that you can’t take steps to protect yourself. One of the first ways to do so is with a warning device or car alarm. Most of us have heard them in the past and for that reason, many folks feel they just don’t serve a purpose anymore as most people are simply not alarmed when they hear one. While that may be true, an alarm is still an effective deterrent for a would be thief. Besides, with a variety of devices like steering wheel and brake locks or tire deflators, it’s easy to restrict movement, making it impossible for even the handiest thief to get away with your vehicle.
Protect Yourself with Austin Texas Car Insurance
It may be after the fact, but if your vehicle is stolen, you want coverage you can depend on to help you make a difficult situation easier. And especially with certain types of heavy trucks, quality Austin auto insurance, can get you the help you need. With certain types of comprehensive coverage, you can get combined additional coverage (CAC) which includes not only theft, but fire. So if you wake up one morning and your truck is missing, you’re covered. If you drive a car and it’s stolen, some car insurance can even help you with pay for another car to drive temporarily. Check with your policy to see if rental reimbursement coverage is an option.
Whether you drive a car or a truck, you run the risk of someone stealing it from you. And while you can protect yourself by exercising common sense and a combination of anti-theft devices, you can’t prevent all theft. Luckily, the right Austin car insurance can give you peace of mind in knowing that even if your car or truck is taken from you, you’ll have the tools to help you quickly and easily get back on the road again.
Posted 10:46 AM
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